A boost effect in a honey-stick.
Honey is a source of energy for the athlete facing an effort, but it’s not your standard carbohydrate, because it contains natural sugar, meaning it’s healthier, richer (minerals, vitamins) and it digests better than refined sugars.
For a source of fuel in sports, Beeo Sport chooses acacia honey, particularly rich in fructose and very liquid, the most suitable for consumption during exercise.
The Beeo sport honey stick is available as pure acacia honey and also with a 100% natural touch of blueberries, lemon or matcha green tea.
The low glycemic index of acacia honey (around 30) and its high
fructose content makes it easy for our body to absorb and digest it.
⬡ Fructose is the sugar from fruits and vegetables, and metabolism assimilates it properly.
⬡ Glucose too is assimilated instantly, but leads to an increase of glucose in our blood.
⬡ Sucrose, which requires digestion, is not a part of honey contexture.
The energizing effect of acacia honey is almost immediate before or
during your effort, and you will not waste energy digesting it!
Even in case of heavy fatigue or hypoglycemia, the anti-oxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits of acacia honey allow it to digest well and quickly.
These properties help in digestion of other foods consumed by the athletes during their effort. Runners take note!
A Beeo sport honey stick contains 20 gram, so you can expect 60 kilocalories and it is to be consumed with water for an effective energy boost.
The packaging is 100% recyclable! Please do not see this as an excuse to drop it anywhere.
Runners take note!
Containing minerals and vitamins
Honey is also a rich product thanks to the presence of magnesium, iron, sodium and other minerals as well as vitamins (mainly B and C). Granted it is in much smaller proportion than fructose, these elements still help the athletes during their efforts and recovery.
Please note that depending on the type of honey and the season of production the share and the number of these components vary.
Used by athletes as an energizer and in their base diet
Many cyclists, walkers, runners (marathon, trail, long distance races), swimmers and other sportsmen trust honey as a natural source of fuel. Surely the most famous of them is Novak Djokovic, who insisted on the importance of his two daily spoons of honey in his book “Serve to win”. Beeo Sport natural honey comes from Serbia and other part of the Adriatic region, including the mountains in which Novak Djokovic grew up – around Kopaonik.